Saturday, January 30, 2010
Oh Noelle...
I had to share this. Sorry no pictures. Earlier in the week, Noelle seemed really congested, having trouble breathing and sleeping. For three nights before bedtime she would come out of her room and tell us that she "can't get the booger out." So Joe or I would get the "booger sniffer" (that's what we call it) out and some saline nose drops and tried to get it out, but with no success. So finally on Wednesday night, we tried one last time. Joe got the flashlight out and said he could see something up there. So he showed Noelle how to take a deep breath and then blow out her nose, while he plugged the other nostril. After a few attempts, out pops what I thought was the biggest booger I have ever seen! Well, it wasn't a booger, but instead it was the biggest popcorn kernel I have ever seen! What is the world!?! She confessed that she had put it up her nose on Sunday while watching a movie at my parents. We weren't sure if it was just a giant kernel or if we had made it even bigger by putting the saline up there, either way I still can't believe she had it up there for 4 days! Well, she was pretty embarrassed and promised to never put anything up her nose again. Then, on Friday, we had another Family movie night. We even talked about the popcorn kernel incident. Then all of the sudden Noelle starts crying for Daddy because she had put one in her ear. Are you kidding me!?! Joe tilted her head and tapped it out. Oh man. It was such a frustrating, yet hilarious life learning lesson. Just glad she is ok.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
11 months
I am sitting here in disbelief as I am planning my baby's 1st birthday. How can it be almost a year already? The time has flown by since our sweet baby Jaelyn entered our lives and has brought nothing but joy and happiness. She is such a good baby! From the beginning she has been so content and so easy. She lights up when she sees her family or someone she recognizes. Everyone she spends time with has such a special relationship with her. I feel so blessed to have her as a part of our family. It's funny that with the first child, you anticipate every new stage and milestone with such excitement, but by the third child I dread them because I know that she is growing too fast and I won't get that time back. Jaelyn is crawling everywhere, getting into everything and will be walking and running before I know it. So as we get closer to her 1st birthday, I am reminded to enjoy every single second I have with all of my girls and be so thankful that I have the privilege of being home with them to enjoy it all.
Here are some pictures of all of the girls at 11 months. It is so fun to see the resemblance in all of them.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Snow Day
Joleigh had Snow Day at her preschool. She has been looking forward to this for a while. Noelle and Jaelyn got to join in on the fun too. It was so cute to see her, her sisters and all her friends bundled up in their snow gear in almost 70 degree weather. We are hoping to take a trip up north soon, so they can have a real snow experience, but in the meantime they all had a blast!

Snow Angels

I had my own snow day too. On Sunday, I drove up to Williams with my good friend, Paula, for her sister, Beth's baby shower. I have known both Paula and Beth for many, many years now and it was great to get to spend some time with them and celebrate the upcoming birth of baby Jax. I was blown away by the amount of snow that I saw on my way driving, and even more snow once we arrived in Williams. I only stood in the snow long enough to take a couple pictures, it was freezing, but so beautiful to see.

I had my own snow day too. On Sunday, I drove up to Williams with my good friend, Paula, for her sister, Beth's baby shower. I have known both Paula and Beth for many, many years now and it was great to get to spend some time with them and celebrate the upcoming birth of baby Jax. I was blown away by the amount of snow that I saw on my way driving, and even more snow once we arrived in Williams. I only stood in the snow long enough to take a couple pictures, it was freezing, but so beautiful to see.
Jamie's Wedding
My sister, Jamie, got married on January 9th to Tim Weber. I was the matron of honor. The wedding day was a wonderful day. My sister was such a beautiful bride and I wish her and Tim a lifetime of happiness together! They got married at the Pointe Tapatillo at the top of the resort at A Different Pointe of View. It was an amazing location. We had such a fun time celebrating Jamie and Tim, as we danced the night away with our family. Here are some pictures of the rehearsal night and the wedding.
Playing together
The girls are getting so big and having so much fun together. Jaelyn is crawling everywhere and wanting to be anywhere and everywhere her big sisters are. Here a few recent pictures of the girls having fun together.

Cooking in their matching aprons

Joleigh and Jaelyn playing with their new dollhouse

Sliding holding hands

All of them together
Cooking in their matching aprons
Joleigh and Jaelyn playing with their new dollhouse
Sliding holding hands
All of them together
Christmas 2009
As I look back over our Christmas, I smile. It was a very busy time for Joe, but we were able to create some fun family memories, and spend some quality time with people that we love. Unfortunately, the entire family got sick the week leading up to Christmas and still weren't 100%, but it was so much fun to see the joy that the holiday brings to our children. We went to church on Christmas Eve Eve, with my parents and my Granny. Then on Christmas Eve got dressed up and went to see Joe at church before heading to my Aunt and Uncle's to spend time with my parents, sister, aunts, uncles and cousins. Then later met up with Joe at his Dad's house to enjoy dessert with his family. Then on Christmas morning, the girls and Joe slept in, only because they were up at night not feeling well. So Jaelyn and I made breakfast and waited for them to get up. Finally it was time to open up stockings and then we surprised Joleigh and Noelle with new bikes. They were so excited! But it did make me laugh later in the day when someone asked them what they got and they both said, "lipgloss and Lifesavers." Too funny! Joe's brother, Josh, and their mom came over for lunch. And then Joe, the girls and I went over to my parents for dinner with my sister and her fiance. It was really a perfect day. I stress out about the holidays and the busyness that goes with it, but I was able to relax and enjoy my time with everyone. We celebrated with Joe's family: his dad, his dad's fiance, brothers and sister, on the 26th with dinner and more presents. It was nice to have another day to celebrate. I am so thankful for my husband, my children and the incredible family and friends we are blessed with. Happy Birthday Jesus, you are the reason we have all things to celebrate!
I have so much to catch up on, so instead here are just a few of the highlights from August through December in pictures.
Joleigh's First Day of School - August

Jaelyn started eating baby food - August

Girls Weekend - August

Family Vacation to San Diego - September

Sea World -September

Jaelyn and I visit Nikki in Palo Alto, CA - September

Joleigh starts playing soccer - September

Jaelyn sitting up - September

Fall Festival - October

Halloween - October

Noelle turns 3! - November

Joe and his siblings go to New York - November

Jamie's Bridal Shower - November

Thanksgiving - November

Night out with the girls - December

Feed My Starving Children - December

Decorating the Christmas Tree - December

Jeri's Bridal Shower - December

Looking at Christmas Lights - December
Joleigh's First Day of School - August
Jaelyn started eating baby food - August
Girls Weekend - August
Family Vacation to San Diego - September
Sea World -September
Jaelyn and I visit Nikki in Palo Alto, CA - September
Joleigh starts playing soccer - September
Jaelyn sitting up - September
Fall Festival - October
Halloween - October
Noelle turns 3! - November
Joe and his siblings go to New York - November
Jamie's Bridal Shower - November
Thanksgiving - November
Night out with the girls - December
Feed My Starving Children - December
Decorating the Christmas Tree - December
Jeri's Bridal Shower - December
Looking at Christmas Lights - December
It's Been Awhile
It has been so long since I have posted. Every time I sit down to write something, I am overwhelmed by how long it has been and how much we have been doing that I decide not to update. But I have missed my blog and just being able to look back at our life in words and pictures. So I am back and will slowly catch up or just start from here. Our year is off to a great start and this is such a good way for me to catch all the highlights. So here we go!
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