Joe has been gone since Sunday afternoon, on a Staff Retreat, and we, especially me, miss him terribly. Every time he is away I appreciate him that much more. So I guess it's good that he goes away every so often. The girls have been pretty good, just an ocassional tantrum or act of defiance, but all in all they do pretty good. I did however have a melt-down last night, I am going to confess to all of you. One of my biggest frustrations, if not the biggest, is when we can't locate the girls drinking cups. This is a daily, if not more than once a day occurance. It drives me CRAZY!!! I feel like I am constantly on the hunt for a missing cup and we end up finding them in the strangest places. The girls are absolutely no help either, they just follow me around, which sometimes just makes the situation worse. Well last night I told them that their milk cups needed to stay in the kitchen and they were doing pretty good. Next thing I know I see Noelle heading into Joleigh's room, with her cup in hand. I attempted to tell her it had to stay in the kitchen, and she responded with, "No, Mama." I let her go, because I was too tired to get up and take it from her. My mistake. Well about 15 minutes later, it was time to start our bed time routine, and guess what Noelle's milk cup is NOWHERE to be found. I looked everywhere. I proceeded to ask Noelle for some help, and she resonded with, " I dunno Mama." Ugh. After looking around every room in the house, I headed to my room, shut the door and screamed at the top of my lungs and then came out and began putting the girls to bed. We all went to bed never finding the milk cup. I dreamt about where it might be and how disgusting it would be when I found it. After the girls got up this morning I filled a new milk cup for Noelle and began to get ready and as I walked into my bedroom, I caught a glimpse of what appears to be a blue cup under my bed. There it was, under my bed. Now why didn't I think to look there??? Anyway, that's enough of my ranting, but seriously it drives me crazy and I'm not sure how to elimate this problem.
The girls are in bed and I am beginning to relax and counting down until I my honey gets home tomorrow afternoon. I feel so lucky to have him and am so grateful for the amazing husband and father he is. I don't know what I would do without him and everything he does for our family! I can't wait until he walks in the door tomorrow and the girls run and tackle him. He really is a celebrity in our house. Here are some pics from our few days without Daddy that we sent to him while he was gone.
Oh man, I found a milk cup in our playroom closet a few weeks ago that I had NO idea was missing. I held my breath as I emptied it into the was fermented with huge chunks. EW!!!
My new thing is that we only do milk with meals. Otherwise, it's water. When the meal starts, the cups go on the table, when I'm cleaning up the dishes, the cups go back in the fridge. I get annoyed with missing cups, but what gets my goat even MORE is a cup found tipped over,slooooooowly dripping milk into the carpet for who-knows-how-long.
Hope that tip is helpful. XOXOX
Thanks for being REAL. Any updates on baby bean?
You first must know that more than anyone, I totally get how it feels to be "on your own." And I know the feeling of counting down those moments until the one you love walks in the door ... believe me. It's nice to know that I am not alone in having "meltdown moments" when daddies are away ... makes me feel more normal in my moments when I just have to walk away, or have a good cry.
I feel your pain about the sippy cup saga ... and am not sure I'd have much better advice to offer than your friend katie ... especially since Noah seems to enjoy just throwing them away from time to time. So not only do ours go missing, they end up missing for a VERY long time ... like, forever. Good luck my friend!
nicole, i love reading your blog and your insights. it's awesome. i love reading about and listening to you and the love you have for joe. it's just too cool.
about the going in your room and screaming thing, i just did that the other day too! i went in the garage though. some days are just so hard. i miss you, we've got to get together again.
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