We had such a wonderful time on our quick trip to Rocky Point. We originally were supposed to leave Sunday after church, but had a few set backs and decided it would be better to wait and leave on Tuesday. I picked Joleigh up from preschool, had some lunch, packed up and headed out. I was so happy to be getting out of town, to see Brittany, and to take the girls to the beach. We made great time to Ajo, where we stopped for our Mexican insurance. It was a nice break to get the girls out of the van, walk around, take a bathroom break and get some drinks. It was about 15 minutes after we left that Joe asked where I put the insurance. I looked at him and said that it was on the table, along with our registration and car insurance card, at the gas station. So we had to turn around, it was a quiet ride back to Ajo. But after getting all of our important documents we were back on track and made it down to Rocky Point just in time for dinner. We picked up Brittany and Dustin and headed into town, to one of our favorite places to eat. It was delicious and the view of the ocean and sunset was spectacular. After dinner we went to get ice cream and the girls were more than ready to head back to get some sleep.
Joe and I were hoping for a great night sleep and that the girls would sleep in, since they went to bed kind of late, but no. They were both up at 6:30, bright and early. We tried hard to keep them quiet until 7:00 and then everyone, including Brittany and Dustin, were ready to start the day. Joleigh couldn't wait to go to the beach. She had been talking about building sandcastles all week. Joe went with Dustin after breakfast to go visit some local families that are in need of a house. Brittany and Dustin are working with churches and charitable organizations in Rocky Point to identify and choose families to build houses for when churches from the Valley come down to build. CCV is coming in October, so they need to find 4 or 5 houses by then.
Brittany and I hung out and chatted while we watched the girls and packed our lunch for the beach. When the guys got back we were ready. Britt and Dustin have only been in Rocky Point a couple of weeks, but have already met a ton of people, including a couple that owns a condo at a resort right on the beach, so we were able to go there for the day.
Last time we were in Mexico, which was in May, the girls weren't sure about the beach. Joleigh loved the sand, but hated the water and Noelle hated both the sand and the water, so she just ate on a blanket the entire time. This time however, they surprised us and both girls got in the water and had the time of their life. We couldn't get them out. The water was perfect, the day was perfect. I sometimes (almost always) have way too high of expectations when we go places or plan special activities, but this day way exceeded my expectations. I had the greatest time with my family and with Brittany, who I love more than I can say! We ended our time in the pool at the resort. It was a gorgeous infinity pool and it felt like we were in the ocean.
We were going to stay another night and head back Thursday morning, but after our naps decided to head back home after dinner. The girls didn't sleep great, which meant we didn't sleep great the night before, Joleigh had school and Joe and I are planning on coming back in a couple of weeks for the missions trip. So we ate another great Mexican dinner, said our good-byes and headed home, not arriving to until mid-night.
It was such a great trip for so many reasons: we got to get away and relax as a family, Joe didn't have to work or even think about work, we got spend time with our good friends and feel reassured that they are in the exact right place, and build special memories with our sweet baby girls. Thank you Brittany and Dustin for your hospitality and we look forward to our next visit to see you!