Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lots of Learning

So, our little Noelle took us by surprise. We were at the grocery store a few months ago, getting ready to check out, when she points to a letter on the wall and says "B." I thought, "how cute!" But thought it was a fluke, so I tried for another letter and she said "T." Right again. I thought how can our 19 month old already know her letters. I have to admit that I worked a lot with Joleigh on learning her colors, shapes, letters, sounds, etc., but have neglected to spend as much time working with Noelle. But to my amazement she is picking up on so many things all on her own, or from just watching her big sister. We were always amazed that Joleigh knew her letters at 2, but Noelle blew us away. Here is a video of her practicing her letters.


"Intentionally Katie" said...

WHOA that's crazy!!! It's amazing what they pick up when no one's looking. :) I feel the same way about Kaylin...Ryan got so much one-on-one attention and new his colors, shapes and letters SO early and poor, neglected Kaylin doesn't know much more than "pink" and "square"!

The African Groggs said...


Melly said...

Okay ... wow. I am impressed and loved listening to her sweet voice name off the letters one-by-one. So, so amazing! :)