So only 5 or 6 more days until Christmas. I can't believe it! Joe and I just started our shopping today. This has become our yearly tradition of waiting until the week before and then starting and finishing our shopping all at once. Well this year we at least started and finished the girls. We still have some more gifts to buy, but know what we need to get, we just have to figure out when to get them. Life has been pretty crazy for Joe these past few months. Last month, he took over the Programming Department at our church and from the time he started there has been one thing after another going on. Just this week alone, they had to tear down part of the stage from the weekend service to get ready for the Michael W. Smith concert that is tonight. Then either tonight or tomorrow they have to set the stage back up for this weekend's service, only to tear it all down again Sunday to get ready for Christmas Eve services. To top it off he is working at all 6 services on Tuesday and Wednesday. Yikes!!! The good news is that he gets to take off the week after Christmas to recuperate. We can't wait to spend some great quality time together as a family!
So wish me luck that we get everything done that needs to get done and that I keep a positive attitude and appreciation for this wonderful holiday and the amazing family that I get to spend it with.
I wanted to share some recent pictures. The girls stayed the night with my parents last weekend and their neighborhood had a Christmas party the next morning. Santa was there and we arrived to pick them up just as they were getting their picture taken. Joleigh was not a fan of Santa, until she realized that he had cookies if she sat on his lap, so she decided it was worth it. Noelle just loves to sit on anyone's lap. They just make me smile!

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