Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oh Noelle...

I had to share this. Sorry no pictures. Earlier in the week, Noelle seemed really congested, having trouble breathing and sleeping. For three nights before bedtime she would come out of her room and tell us that she "can't get the booger out." So Joe or I would get the "booger sniffer" (that's what we call it) out and some saline nose drops and tried to get it out, but with no success. So finally on Wednesday night, we tried one last time. Joe got the flashlight out and said he could see something up there. So he showed Noelle how to take a deep breath and then blow out her nose, while he plugged the other nostril. After a few attempts, out pops what I thought was the biggest booger I have ever seen! Well, it wasn't a booger, but instead it was the biggest popcorn kernel I have ever seen! What is the world!?! She confessed that she had put it up her nose on Sunday while watching a movie at my parents. We weren't sure if it was just a giant kernel or if we had made it even bigger by putting the saline up there, either way I still can't believe she had it up there for 4 days! Well, she was pretty embarrassed and promised to never put anything up her nose again. Then, on Friday, we had another Family movie night. We even talked about the popcorn kernel incident. Then all of the sudden Noelle starts crying for Daddy because she had put one in her ear. Are you kidding me!?! Joe tilted her head and tapped it out. Oh man. It was such a frustrating, yet hilarious life learning lesson. Just glad she is ok.


stephanie said...

oh wow! at least you didn't have to spend $1400 at the ER like we did to get a raisin out of bennett's nose.

stephanie said...
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