Monday, August 13, 2012

Back To School Sleepover

I seriously have the best mom in the world!  This is true for so many reasons: she is constantly there for me and my family, gives so much encouragement and would literally do anything for me, Joe and our girls.

This weekend was the 3rd Annual Back to School Sleepover.  She started it 3 years ago with Joleigh entering Kindergarten and Noelle starting preschool.  She has kept it an ongoing tradition and the girls look forward to it every year at the end of summer.  This year Jaelyn is starting preschool, so she got invited and so did my niece, Tatum, who is also in preschool.

My mom was so prepared and even had an itinerary.

When they arrived they made special bracelets.
 She made the girls their own individual bags with surprises inside: markers, coloring book, sparkly notebook, ponytails and wooden dolls to color and play with.

After I left, they worked on their crafts, colored and played with their new things.  Then ate pizza, went swimming, got in their pj's, watched movies, ate popcorn and stayed up late.  My girls had the best time with their Grandma, Grandpa and their cousin.  What special memories my Mom is creating for her granddaughters that they will remember forever!  Like I said, I have the best mom in the world!

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