Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Our First Field Trip

So, on day 2 of homeschool, I decided we needed to take a field trip to the library.  I have been meaning to take the girls all summer, but for whatever reason, probably just laziness haven't.  We moved months ago, so I was excited about going to our new public library.  We had school this morning, while Naya took her nap.  We did our calendar routine and a fun math activity where we graphed leftover M&M's from our activity yesterday.  All three of the big girls enjoyed the activity, even Jaelyn had so much fun sorting the colors and counting.

We got our new library card and then the girls each set off to find books of their choice.  I found out that the library offered a special card for teachers.  With this card I get an additional 35 books.  I can either self check them out or I can call a head and someone from the library will pull books for me.  So if we are studying a particular unit or subject matter, they will pull books for me.  I think that is awesome!  I ended up choosing some books on the seasons, continents, poetry, some math books for Joleigh and some long vowel books for Noelle.

After choosing their books and looking at them for a bit, the three big girls got to use the computers to play some games, while Naya enjoyed sitting and spinning in the chairs.

 And then they explored the puzzles and games.

Overall it was a fun time and we can't wait to go back again.

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