It has been a very long week. I have not been feeling good and definitely not feeling like myself. I guess it started on Sunday. I started having some pretty strong contractions. I have had Braxton Hicks contractions since about 5 months, which is exactly like the first two pregnancies, but these contractions were much more uncomfortable and at times painful. I have also been feeling light-headed, dizzy and nauseous. I found out that the contractions were getting much more regular on Monday after we spent the morning at Ikea, getting furniture for the girls' room. But when I sat down the contractions stopped. This has been going on all week. Whenever I started to do anything, standing too long or bending over, the contractions were coming on regularly, but as soon as I rested they would stop. I debate calling the doctor, but thought they would make me go to the hospital, only to tell me to rest. Knowing I had an appointment scheduled today, Friday, I decided to put myself on couch/bedrest and waited it out. Joe has been incredible, super husband and dad, taking Joeligh to and from school, grocery shopping, cleaning up, putting together the furniture for their room and so much more. It has been driving me crazy laying around knowing all the things I want to get done before Jaelyn gets here. It's funny when you are busy that all you want to do is sit around and rest, but when all I having been doing is sitting around, all I can think about is everything I should have been doing and getting done.
We met with the doctor this morning. He agreed with me that I need to take it easy, stay hydrated and prescribed Terbutaline, to help stop the contractions. He didn't seem too worried that Jaelyn was going to make an early entrance into the world, since both Joleigh and Noelle made it to 38 weeks. But we go again next week to see how everything is going. We also tentatively planned on being induced on February 19, so that is something to get excited about and a new deadline to get everything done by.
So not only have I not been feeling well this week, Noelle has been sick too. She started with this cough that has got so much worse, chest congestion, and a constant runny nose. We also think she may have a bladder or urinary tract infection. She has been such a trooper, still the same happy kid, until she starts to cough. You can tell that it hurts her and she starts to cry. This heartbreaking, especially knowing Noelle, to see her sick and in pain. Joe is at the doctor with her right now, which is making me feel guilty, because I have never ever missed one of her appointments. I anxious to hear how the appointment went and most importantly to see her feeling better.
I'll keep you updated on the health and well-being of the Jensen household. Thanks for reading!
Hang in there. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling great. It's always so frustrating. I remember the first time Ian took Amelia to the Dr without me. It was hard, but good for all of us. We have great husbands who are able to do whatever is needed. I can't imagine having a husband that wasn't like that! If you need help let all of us know, we'll be there :)
Hey nicole. You still look so beautiful at 35 weeks! Sounds like it could be anyday. We will just pray for an easy delivery. Isn't it wonderful when you have a husband like that....I sometimes take it for granted, when I think they are actually in the minority. I guess I shouldn't take Chris for granted........we love you and Joe and hope all is well.
These next few weeks might be the last time for a long while that you have down time so try to enjoy it as much as possible. Are you ready for Jaelyn if she comes earlier? Can you post some pictures of the girls' new room? I'd love to see it.
Oh nicole- I'm so sorry! I had no idea it has been such a hard week for you. And shame on me since we live on the same street! I so wish I could take the girls for you- Jett is sick too, and so is Teda. When they're better, I'd love to take your girls so you can rest. Really rest. How did the dr appt go for Noelle? I miss you friend!
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