This is my Noelle, peacefully sleeping in our bed. I took this during her nap the other day. I couldn't resist how beautiful she looked. Noelle has had a rough week getting sleep, having been sick with a terrible cough. But we thought she was doing better having finally slept through the night in her own bed two nights ago. That was until last night, when she woke up around 1:00 in the morning screaming saying that there were "spideys" in her bed. (a.k.a. spiders). So Joe calmed her down and eventually brought her in to sleep with me.
During nap time I usually have Noelle just sleep in my room, in case Joleigh decides not to sleep, I can guarantee that Noelle will. So, we are getting ready for bed tonight and Noelle seemed fine, until we turn off the lights, except the closet light, and she starts crying that there are "spideys" in her bed. What?!? We tried to calm her down, turned on the lights and tried to show her that there is nothing in her bed. Then I thought maybe if we change her sheets that might her. We had some princess sheets and a pillowcase. We get the bed all made and she seems really happy. I tuck her in and she looks at me and says, "No spideys, just princess. I like princess." It was the sweetest thing. And she got in bed with a smile on her face.
I have NO idea why she would think that there are spiders in her bed. I'm surprised she even knows what a spider is. It really concerns me, but I pray that God protects her and that she have no more fear going to bed at night.
Oh- poor peanut. So glad the princess sheets worked. Isn't it crazy what their imaginations come up with? Hope you're feeling OK...
She is so beautiful! What a great picture!!! :D
Jackson now thinks that there are lions in his room. I have no idea where kids get this stuff. Great idea on changing her sheets! She looks adorable!
This pic is adorable. Eden went through the same thing at that age, she woke up with terrible screams yelling "ants". I had no idea where it came from, it was just a phase and a lot of singing "God is bigger than the boogie man." Actually even recently we watched Chronicles of Narnia which I thought she would have nightmares from, she did not and on the second day she did have nightmares, but not about the movie about a picture she saw in the Missouri Conservationist of a drawing of a chigger. Anyways, again she grew out of that phase. Hopefully you won't have to deal with it much longer. Changing sheets was a good sweet too (her comments).
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