Friday, May 22, 2009

My Thoughtful Husband

Joe demonstrated again this week just how wonderful and thoughtful he is. Quality time has been hard to come by with busy schedules lately, unfortunately its my love language. Joe realized this and decided to plan a SURPRISE night out for us on Tuesday. He is SO good at planning things and being sneaky. I told him he is only allowed to use this power for good. :) The only clue he gave me was that I was going to laugh and so was he. Up until Tuesday, I had no idea what we were doing and I couldn't have been more excited!!! I love spending one-on-one time with my Joe, it didn't matter what we did, but I couldn't wait to find out. So he came home around 4:30, the girls and I were all ready. We dropped them off at my parents. When we got back in the car, he told me our plans. He had got us tickets to go see Flight of the Conchords, these two hilarious guys from New Zealand that make up funny songs. We had dinner downtown and then went to Dodge Theatre for the show. We had so much fun and laughed so hard!!! Joe did very good job planning and surprising me!!!

I also have to share that he came home last night with beautiful sunflowers for me, just because. I love him so much and am so appreciative of his thoughtfulness, his unconditional love and our quality time together!!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

so sweet! you guys are awesome! love you,