Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Growing Girls...well kind of

We took Joleigh and Jaelyn last week for there well checks at the doctor. A few weeks ago i was at a play date with some friends and they started talking about their daughters 4 year check up and how their girls reacted to the shots. As I was listening I realized that I completely forgot to bring Joleigh for hers. Since she turned 4 in April, I immediately called the doctor to get her in and had to reschedule Jaelyn's 4 month appointment to get them in together. So both girls were overdue for their check-ups but we got them nonetheless.

Joleigh went first and was actually excited to see her doctor, Dr. Kennedy. She weighed in at 33.2 lbs. (29th percentile) and 39.5 in. (36th percentile), so she is our little lady. She had fun getting her eyes checked, by telling them all the pictures on the wall and even willingly went with the male nurse to get her hearing checked, and she passed both exams, which was good. Then came time for her shots. She was really brave. The nurse told her that it was going to pinch a little, so she now calls her shots her "little pinches." She did great only crying a little, while Daddy held her and then calmed down when they offered her a lollipop. She reassured us all that her "little pinches" would feel all better tomorrow. She's so great!

Noelle was so funny, because she had to do everything that Joleigh did. She was weighed, measured, the doctor gave her a quick look in her ears and mouth, and then wanted band-aids on her legs and a lollipop. I'm sure she was relieved not to have the actual shots.

The doctor then examined Jaelyn. We found out what we already knew, that we have a very tall and very skinny little baby. She is 25.5 in. long (77th percentile), but only 13 lbs. (20th percentile). This concerned the doctor a little, because she has always measured long but dropped from the 50th down to the 20th percentile. I am still nursing her every three hours, so I need to continue this. I just hope I am producing enough for her, but she is never fussy and sleeps really well, so I think that I am. I also must start her on foods right away. This is new for us, not having to implement food for the two older girls until closer to 6 months.

So we started Jaelyn on rice cereal right away, unfortunately she wants nothing to do with it, but sure looks adorable trying. Hopefully she will catch on soon and put on some weight before her next check-up. Here's our sweet Jaelyn trying her rice cereal for the first time. She is so cute!!!

1 comment:

Amber said...

I just LOVE your header pic of all three girls, captures so much...Well sorry to hear Jaelyn's not putting on the weight...I never had to deal with that, cause I gave birth to watermelons. j/j Anyways when I didn't think they were getting full enough I put some of the cereal actually in their bottles. While you are having fun with having her try to get the cereal in the mouth, you might want to do that. Just an idea. Anyways good luck and we miss you all tons.