Thursday, November 27, 2008

So Thankful!

I had such a wonderful and relaxing day! I start out with this because in the past holidays have been something that I stress out about. I feel like we have so many places to go and people to see that I get so anxious and exhausted that I forget to stop, relax and focus on the things that I am truly thankful for. This year I was really able to do that. I have so many things in my life including:
*My amazing husband, who I love and adore.
*My wonderful little girls, who make me smile everyday
*My baby on the way, who I can't wait to meet
*The privilege of staying home with them
*God's provision and constantly watching over and protecting us
*My parents, who have turned into incredible grandparents to our girls and are always willing to help out and encourage when we need them
*Joe's family, who is just as much my family
*My extended family, who I wish I saw more often, but know I that they are also there for me
*The friendships in my life
*And so much more!!!

I hope that you were able to reflect on the things in your life that you are thankful for and enjoyed those closest to you! Here is glimpse into my day. I cooked for my family and Joe's brothers, for the fist time ever! We bought an already cooked turkey, which was delicious, and I made all the sides. Then we went over to my parents house to celebrate with my extended family. It was another wonderful meal and great company! Hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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