Friday, April 24, 2009


Breathe...that is exactly what I got a chance to do this past weekend. I was able to get away and go on the CCV Women's Retreat up in Williams, AZ. I went with my good friend, Melanie and I also brought Jaelyn with me. It was so nice to leave the day to day routine and stresses and just focus on myself. It's amazing how only having one child to take care of makes such a big difference. Jaelyn was absolutely amazing, she is such a good baby. The weather was beautiful, the scenery gorgeous, the speaker inspiring, the fellowship was so much fun and my time with God definitely challenged me and the areas in my life I need to hand over to HIm. We talked throughout the weekend about the voices that we tend to listen to (i.e. perfection, comparison, greed, regret, shame, etc.) and how these voices keep us from the peace God so desperately wants to give us. I felt renewed and refreshed when I left, but really felt overwhelmed when I came home. But this weekend helped me recognize all of the areas in my life that I hadn't even realized were struggles and now I am able to face them head on. I had a great time away and look forward to next year already.

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