Monday, July 7, 2008

I've Been Challenged...

My friend, Lisa, challenged me. The rules are; List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions, 3 random surprising facts about yourself.

1. My husband. He is unbelievably amazing! I couldn't ask for a better partner, provider, protector, encourager, best friend, father, companion, someone to make me smile. He is a man of integrity, compassion, someone I respect more than anyone. He would do anything for me and I am the luckiest woman in the world that he is mine!
2. My beautiful daughters, Joleigh and Noelle. I dreamed of being a mother since I was a little girl and my dreams pale in comparison. I never imagined I could love so much and already feel the love in return. Everyday brings new joy to my life! Their laughs, smiles, voices, singing, dancing, playing together is indescribable. They truly are the light of my world!
3. This new baby. I have gone so back and forth about having a 3rd child. There are have been so many questions in my head and so many emotions. That is why this baby is such a gift from God and an answer to our prayer. I can't wait to see how our new addition will blend in and be a part of the is wonderful family of mine!

1. Losing someone that I love, especially my husband and children. I think that is self-explanatory. It would be a nightmare.
2. Someone in my family not knowing what they mean to me. It is so easy to take each other for granted and assume that the feelings we have for one another is evident. I love my family more than I can express and them not knowing how completely would devastate me.
3. Disappointing someone that I care about. I am definitely a people pleaser, and I have a hard time when someone is upset with me. I try really hard to be genuine and honest, but when I let someone down, it is really hard on me.

1. To be organized in my house. At work I have always been extremely organized, but at home I struggle so badly. I want to have a place for everything but get so lazy. I really want to have a clean and organized house.
2. To go back to teaching. I'm not sure when, but eventually. I keep having kids, so that date gets further and further away, but eventually. I will have to take some classes to get certified again. I can't wait to be back in the classroom.
3. To make some extra money. I want to help Joe out anyway I can. I have been working part time from home, very part-time, but also think that I will start subbing in the fall.

1. The internet. I stay home a lot so I depend on the internet to be my outlet to the outside world. This is why I have a facebook and myspace account, now this blog. I am constantly checking these, as well as my email and checking in to see what everyone else is up to. It is a bad habit, but I can't help it.
2. Hollywood gossip. I love magazines, television shows and the internet. I can't explain it, it's just curiosity. It's definitely not a lifestyle I desire, I just find it so interesting, I guess.
3. Taking pictures of my girls. I literally have taken thousands of pictures. There have been weeks at a time that I have taken a picture every single day of the girls and all their randomness. I don't know what I will do with all of them, but it is nice to know that their entire childhood will be captured in photographs. Someday they will thank me, even though now Joleigh runs away from me and the camera.

1. If I could go anywhere in the world, I want to go to Africa on a missions trip and work with orphaned children. I would choose this trip above any vacation. I feel this on my heart and pray one day it will become reality.
2. I am ambidextrous. I can write with both hands, but prefer my left, but I do everything else right-handed. Lisa and I have this in common.
3. I have deformed ear lobes. One is connected, the other is not. It is definitely an insecurity of mine, Just kidding, but kind of weird.

This was fun and insightful. I don't know who reads this, but if you do you should try it!


Lisa said...

i love all that you wrote nicole! you're such a great friend, and i'm so thankful to have you!!! :) your blog is awesome, and it looks like you've had a great past few weeks. tot town looks like a blast (we'll have to check it out), and the movie night you had on the 4th of july is such a fabulous idea! love you,

Rachael Schepemaker said...

Wow -- You and I have a lot in common. Hmmmm...I knew there was a reason why I really like you :-) OK I will carry on the tradition and challenge Robin and Steph to answer the same questions.