Thursday, July 17, 2008

Our Trip to the Cabin

The girls and I just got back from at trip up north. We spent a couple days at my Granny and Papa's cabin at Mormon Lake. Joe had to work, so my sister, Jamie, came with us. We had a great time! The weather was amazing...we actually got to wear jeans and sweatshirts. We went for walks, sat on the porch, rode around in their Ranger, took the girls to the tire swing, petting zoo, played games and just relaxed. My Granny fed us the most delicious food!!! I don't know what she does, but EVERYTHING that she makes tastes better, especially up there. It seems like all we do when we are at the cabin is relax, eat, nap and eat some more. We didn't stay long, but the time we were there was great. We missed Daddy and I missed my bed. Here are some pictures, so you can see just how much fun we had. Thanks Granny and Papa!

1 comment:

Rachael Schepemaker said...

The photo of the two girls watching cartoons is priceless. The one on the tire swing with you and the girls is pretty darn cute too!