Friday, September 5, 2008

Another update

It has been a little while since my last post. Not much has been happening lately. I haven't been feeling very good the past few weeks. Just run down, tired and have been getting dizzy and light headed, so we have been staying home and relaxing a lot lately. I went today for my 15 week check up and everything looks good. I told the doctor how I have been feeling and he told me that I have a little bit lower blood pressure and that I just need to stay hydrated and eat more. It's funny to get permission to eat more from your doctor. I am so ready to start feeling and looking pregnant. It will make not feeling very good worth it. By the way i did start to feel the baby moving this past week. So AMAZING!!! Our doctor surprised us again with an ultrasound, so we got to see baby Jensen again. It is so great to actually see the baby growing and moving and everything looks so good, praise God! We find out the baby's gender on October 3. I literally can not wait! I tried to see if we could find out any sooner, but he suggested we wait to really be sure. I guess I can wait a little longer. If you haven't voted, I would love to see your predictions. Joleigh thinks its a baby sister. She is so cute, every morning and throughout the day, she wants to check on the baby and give "her" kisses. She melts my heart when she tells me, "Mommy, I already love the new baby." Noelle is pretty cute too. She loves to kiss my tummy and says baby all the time. It's crazy to think that she is already 4 months older than Joleigh was when she was born. The girls are going to be such great big sisters and such great helpers for me. So the count down is on to find out baby boy or baby girl. We already have names picked out and I can't wait to start call "the baby" by their name, instead of "the baby." CAN'T WAIT!!!!


Rachael Schepemaker said...

I was started to wonder what happened to you. I didn't know if you had actually survived the three days while Joe was gone. Gla to see you blogging again and that your cute little belly is growing. I can't WAIT to hear the names you've chosen.

lulliloo said...

you look beautiful nicole:)