Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Kids on the Block

So I had to share my once in a lifetime experience with all of you. Monday night, October 13th, my friends, Megan and Alison and I went to see my favorite band growing up the New Kids on the Block. They were my very first concert, in 6th grade, my very first crush on a celebrity and my very first obessession. I mean, you name it and I had it when it came to the New Kids, cassessettes, buttons, shirts, sheets, posters covering the the walls. When I heard that they were reuniting I was more excited than I want to admit. Just thinking about them brings me back to such a nostalgic time and I couldn't wait to go see them again in concert. I sent out a mass email to all my friends, hoping someone would want to come with me. We had to buy the tickets in July and October seemed so far away, but I am so glad I bought the tickets way back then, otherwise I'm not sure I would have been able to now.

The concert was awesome, mainly because of the friends I was with. They were so excited to be there. The New Kids sang so many of their old songs that I was able to sing right along with, as well as their new stuff, that I have memorized as well. Although I am almost 30, I was and still am a New Kids on the Block fan, and guess I always will.

By the way...Joey is my favorite!

1 comment:

The Johnson Family said...

You are so funny! Sounds like it was a fun night!