Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First Day of School

So today was the big day! After open house on Friday we have all been anticipating what today was going to be like. On Friday afternoon, the girls and I met my mom and we went back to school shopping to get new clothes for Joleigh. It was so much fun and it made me remember back to when I was a kid and how much I looked forward to all of the back to school traditions. Then on Saturday all we had left was to pick our first day of school outfit out and get a new backpack with Daddy. We got the outfit, but had a little bit of difficulty finding a small backpack for our small little girl. We eventually found the perfect packback. Joleigh LOVED it, even telling strangers at lunch that she got a "beautiful new backpack." The entire experience was complete when yesterday afternoon, Joleigh had on her new school shoes, her new backpack and was carrying her new lunch box and said, "Mommy, this is a dream come true!" I think she has been watching Cinderella a lot lately, but it was too cute!

So Tuesday morning is here. Joleigh wakes up and is ready to go. I made panckes for breakfast, while Joe gave the girls a bath. They both scarfed down their pancakes and then Joleigh couldn't wait to get dressed. We put on your new dress and curled her hair. She looked beautiful and so grown-up. After taking a ridiculous amount of pictures we were off. She couldn't wait!

We got to preschool and walked her to the gate. Joe showed her where to put her backpack, and then she was ready to go and play. We convinced her to give us a hug and kiss and she said "good-bye." I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but I was secretly hoping she was going to miss me, just alittle bit.

Noelle and I picked her up 2 1/2 hours later and she had the best time, so much so that she didn't want to leave. I had to convince her that the teachers didn't stay there all the time and we had to go too. She made an adorable craft project and would only tell me how much fun she had with all her friends. I am so glad that she is getting to have this experience, even if it means she is growing up!

1 comment:

alivb143 said...

Oh my gosh this totally made me cry! I can't believe your baby is old enough to be in Preschool! SOOOO cute!